
Exports of wood and forest products from Russia in the 1st half of 2016

Forest and wood are significant items of the Russian export. In the FEACN classifier this product is represented in 44th group. In the customs database this group occupies a decent amount: about 50 thousand records on a monthly basis. Trying to unload this data volume from popular online databases, a consumer will face the problem of  limit exceeding. Meanwhile, the use of the "Talisman-Inform" analytical sampling of the company ensures accurate analysis as soon as possible. Thus, consider the export of the 44th group of FEACN.

 Dynamics of exports in January-June 2016

The average monthly export volume of wood and forest products is $ 500 millions in the first half of 2016. The most impactive months are March and April, there was a small decline in deliveries in the summer.

Export of wood

Table 1. Dynamics of exports in January-June 2016
Year-month Volume, m3 Value, USD Exporters Declarations
2016-01 7 372 147 350 482 733 1 796 22 739
2016-02 9 881 457 452 588 902 2 184 30 642
2016-03 12 912 419 571 493 620 2 515 38 515
2016-04 12 882 593 572 562 884 2 640 39 645
2016-05 12 127 416 545 921 147 2 411 37 723
2016-06 11 813 804 549 585 419 2 473 37 164
Total 66 989 836 3 042 634 706 206 428

Merchandise exports of wood

According to customs database, the 44th group of FEACN includes more than 20 of four-digit codes. The most popular in the world market are the following products of forest and woodworking industries:

  • sawnwood (code 4407) - almost exactly half of the value exports for the 44th group
  • raw wood (code 4403) - about 22% of the cost
  • plywood (code 4412) - around 15% of the cost.

Export of wood

Note. For sheet materials (plywood, boards, sheets) the natural volume is given in square meters, for wood and sawn wood - in cubic meters.

Table 2. Merchandise exports of wood
HS Code and description Volume, m3 / m2 Value, USD Average price
of USD/m3
Exporters Declarations
4411 - wood-fiber plates 41 824 995 61 556 510 1,47 128 4 248
4407 - Lumber 13 101 233 1 525 148 665 116,41 2 443 108 563
4403 - Wood in the rough 9 754 511 666 291 499 68,31 913 40 517
4412 - Plywood 1 257 071 470 894 309 374,60 158 29 565
4410 - Plate chipboard 413 704 43 764 424 105,79 95 5 580
4408 - Veneer sheets for plywood 247 173 54 988 687 222,47 87 1 663
4418 - Joinery and carpentry 175 408 70 700 624 403,06 308 3 447
4409 - Lumber continuously shaped 165 314 22 960 891 138,89 274 2 058
4406 - Wood sleepers for railway or tramway 44 321 1 872 747 42,25 32 104
4421 - Other wooden products 5 817 15 344 197 2 637,82 216 1 507
Other 288 109 112 153 379 375,38 771 10 626
Total 66 989 836 3 042 634 706 207 878

Timber exports by country of destination

The main buyers of Russian forest and wood are China and Uzbekistan.
There are about 2,500 companies involved in the average monthly export of goods of the 44th group, it is more than 10% of Russia's list of exporters. The group of twenty leaders are listed below.

Export of wood

Table 3. Timber exports by country of destination
Departure country Volume, m3 / m2 Value, USD Average price
of USD/m3
Exporters Declarations
Uzbekistan 15 675 211 118 896 229 7,58 449 11 584
China 13 875 782 1 262 660 574 91,00 1 238 85 688
Romania 5 052 632 18 158 944 3,59 40 700
Poland 3 637 895 38 638 424 10,62 213 5 365
Estonia 3 282 502 65 217 235 19,87 412 9 353
Finland 3 169 549 196 257 805 61,92 392 13 562
Tajikistan 2 898 134 19 506 877 6,73 201 1 844
Azerbaijan 2 543 342 46 704 158 18,36 288 3 460
Ukraine 1 901 438 16 142 591 8,49 220 2 746
Germany 1 786 417 128 242 599 71,79 408 8 819
Other 13 166 933 1 132 209 268 85,99 2 154 63 307
Total 66 989 836 3 042 634 706 206 428

Top 20 exporters of wood

Table 4. Top 20 exporters of wood
Importer Volume, m3 / m2 Value, USD Average price
of USD/m3
Exporters Declarations
OOO "Kastamonu Integrated Wood Industry" 7 480 071 21 828 708 2,92 20 380
Ltd. "Kronostar" 4 391 923 9 706 389 2,21 47 974
OOO "Kronospan" 4 361 099 20 513 615 4,70 114 1 161
Ltd. "Demyanovskaya manufactory" 3 769 778 1 847 285 0,49 65 258
JSC "Lesosibirsk LDK | 1" 3 425 743 37 290 112 10,89 66 697
TD FORMAT " 3 312 724 1 976 094 0,60 16 437
Ltd. "UFA plywood-MDF MILL" 2 431 678 3 808 095 1,57 42 230
TD Knyazhpogostsky PLANT fiberboard 2 000 750 1 080 190 0,54 10 276
Ltd. "PLITPROM" 1 690 567 695 186 0,41 18 54
OOO "MDF WORLD" 1 278 621 527 875 0,41 8 52
JSC "LPK" Partner-Tomsk " 989 156 1 632 667 1,65 14 44
TD RFP 892 409 64 907 970 72,73 57 1 745
LLC "Egger Drevprodukt Gagarin" 848 265 6 393 490 7,54 68 1 199
Ltd. "Northern Forest" 757 198 477 044 0,63 19 89
Ltd. "SHKDP" 588 836 1 450 232 2,46 15 60
ZAOr "TORINO pulp and paper mill" 543 121 211 077 0,39 7 21
CJSC "Novoyeniseysk wood chemical COMPLEX" 527 756 18 528 395 35,11 37 243
SA woodworking complex "Apsheron" 465 076 1 275 673 2,74 11 41
OJSC "LPI" 405 493 7 520 501 18,55 45 948
JSC "Terneyles" 382 304 49 776 767 130,20 21 286
Total 26 414 982 2 789 454 271 105,60 12 433 196 610


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