
Export of raw timber from Russia in H1 2016

Forest is one of the main natural resources of Russia. In the foreign trade database, raw timber is represented by FEACN Code 4403. This is one of the "heavy" codes, it has near 180-200 thousand records in the annual database.

To analyze these data sets, we recommend to use analytical selection. The monthly average volume of timber export is stable - near 1.6 - 1.7 million cubic meters. It is equivalent to 110 million US dollars. As we mentioned earlier, the raw timber occupies near 22% of the cost in the goods structure of all 44th FEACN group export (details here).

Dynamics of exports in January-June 2016

Forest export

Table 1. Dynamics of exports in January-Juni 2016
Year-month   Weight, m3 Value, USD Importers Declarations
2016-01 1 261 811 85 706 643 457 5 174
2016-02 1 588 071 108 688 169 556 6 864
2016-03 1 872 862 131 127 568 628 7 726
2016-04 1 689 145 113 285 621 613 7 079
2016-05 1 645 266 114 338 609 572 6 868
2016-06 1 697 356 113 144 889 546 6 806
Total 9 754 511 666 291 499 40 517

Regional structure of exports of forest

Forest export

Table 2. Regional structure of exports of forest
HS Code and description Weight, m3 Value, USD Average price of USD/m3 Importers Declarations
Khabarovsk region 2 253 471 156 788 929 69,58 63 3 809
Irkutsk region 2 027 672 179 255 364 88,40 172 15 399
St. Petersburg 1 073 784 42 115 891 39,22 50 1 656
Krasnoyarsk region 936 809 75 499 720 80,59 72 4 446
Primorsky Krai 900 219 82 898 343 92,09 51 4 911
Vologda Region 518 711 21 324 443 41,11 28 661
Leningrad region 491 285 18 906 467 38,48 33 721
The Republic of Karelia 364 249 16 473 314 45,23 53 1 396
Amur region 150 655 9 892 277 65,66 15 223
Pskov region 122 319 5 394 509 44,10 23 510
Rest 915 336 57 742 243 63,08 356 6 785
Total 9 754 511 666 291 499 40 517

Timber exports by country of destination

Two-thirds of the supply of Russian raw timber, which  is 6.5 million cubic meters, fall on China. Another notable recipient is Finland with 2.6 million cubic meters of wood. Shares of other recipient countries is much lower than 1%.

Forest export

Table 3. Timber exports by country of destination
Departure country Weight, m3 Value, USD Average price of USD/m3 Importers Declarations
China 6 545 755 527 560 300 80,60 618 32 171
Finland 2 583 586 99 334 732 38,45 183 5 319
Germany 130 524 6 771 164 51,88 8 35
Sweden 100 696 4 518 466 44,87 6 24
Japan 99 340 11 287 818 113,63 27 363
Uzbekistan 92 459 3 981 690 43,06 65 1 162
Latvia 78 892 4 876 438 61,81 38 451
Romania 31 231 2 025 695 64,86 4 127
Poland 25 477 1 419 549 55,72 12 326
Turkey 16 716 789 881 47,25 7 57
Rest 49 835 3 725 765 74,76 68 482
Other 9 754 511 666 291 499 40 517

Top 20 exporters of forest

The group of twenty largest timber exporters includes the companies with supply volumes of 88 thousand cubic meters. In the average, the leading twenty covered about 40% of timber export. The remaining 60% is divided by more than 800 smaller participants.

Table 4. Top 20 exporters of forest
Importer Weight, m3 Value, USD Average price of USD/m3 Importers Declarations
TD RFP 721 763 50 985 589 70,64 50 1 176
Ltd. "Stora Enso Forest West" 353 206 12 274 308 34,75 2 190
JSC "Group" Ilim " 208 356 21 277 917 102,12 17 1 052
Ltd. "Rimbunan Hijau DV" 195 242 12 924 710 66,20 13 108
JSC "Terneyles" 193 532 12 183 848 62,96 13 70
LTD "Levan" 161 205 13 064 712 81,04 26 687
CJSC "Forist - Starma" 151 268 9 246 335 61,13 14 37
Ltd. "ATHENA-DV" 138 698 15 677 051 113,03 125 1 320
JSC "Primorsklesprom" 136 167 9 122 157 66,99 12 40
CJSC "GROUP" VLP " 133 309 5 353 381 40,16 11 140
Ltd. "UPM-Kymmene" 126 985 3 127 948 24,63 2 74
SP Zarechnoye Valery 124 351 9 804 874 78,85 10 615
Ltd. "THIRD TRANSPORT COMPANY" 117 006 8 911 296 76,16 5 312
JSC "Shelekhovsky KLPH" 114 233 7 577 321 66,33 7 22
Ltd. "Eksportles" 109 353 10 370 750 94,84 18 1 020
Ltd. "PrimaLes" 108 275 6 458 711 59,65 7 456
Ltd. "Metsä FOREST Podporozhe" 96 903 4 660 464 48,09 1 62
GROUP LLC "Alatau" 96 614 7 398 720 76,58 12 365
CJSC "AVSTROFOR" 94 918 3 728 638 39,28 5 110
OOO "Flora" 88 035 5 494 293 62,41 9 152
Other 6 275 325 435 994 167 69,48 1 571 32 487





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