
Exports of sawn timber from Russia in the 1st half of 2016

According to the foreign trade statistics for 6 months of 2016, the export of lumber (FEACN Code - 4407) was 13 million cubic meters, at cost near 1.5 billion US dollars.

Dynamics of exports in January-June 2016

The monthly average volume of sawnwood export is more than 2 million cubic meters. From the year beginning, there was supply growth for first 4 months, it was a slight decline from May.

Export of lumber from Russia

Table 1. Dynamics of exports in January-June 2016
Year-month Volume, m3 Value, USD Exporters Declarations
2016-01 1 401 774 162 996 494 1 114 11 143
2016-02 1 841 948 210 846 552 1 315 15 042
2016-03 2 378 554 278 902 964 1 565 20 122
2016-04 2 589 953 303 500 188 1 658 21 782
2016-05 2 503 251 284 599 049 1 550 20 726
2016-06 2 385 755 284 303 418 1 579 19 748
Total 13 101 233 1 525 148 665 108 563

Commodity structure of exports of lumber

According to the foreign trade statistics for 6 months of 2016, the export of lumber (FEACN Code - 4407) made about half of the total wood and forest products export according to its value (the 44th group of FEACN, details here).
Pine occupies almost the entire volume of sawn wood supplied for export. Boards of oak and ash occupy in total less than 1%.

Export of lumber from Russia

Table 2. Commodity structure of exports of lumber
HS Code and description Volume, m3 Value, USD Average price of USD/m3 Exporters Declarations
440710 - Lumber coniferous, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. 12 282 033 1 401 451 906 114,11 2 121 97 327
440799 - Other wood, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm 613 013 74 043 238 120,79 464 9 860
440 791 - Other oak timber 135 943 29 686 784 218,38 163 2 271
440795 - Lumber Ash (fraxinus spp.) 64 142 18 975 724 295,84 79 1 187
440 792 - Other timber of beech 5 667 882 484 155,73 25 122
440793 - Wood maple (acer spp.) 435 108 530 249,45 5 20
Total 13 101 233 1 525 148 665 1 154,28 110 787

Exports of lumber by country of destination

More than half of sawn timber goes to China, providing local producers with raw materials. Other countries importing Russian lumber are Uzbekistan, Egypt and Japan. Price analysis of the export customs statistics shows that the cheapest grades of sawn timber are going to China, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan (around $ 75-100 per cubic meter), and expensive - to Japan and Germany (over 200 dollars per cubic meter.).

Export of lumber from Russia

Table 3.Exports of lumber by country of destination
Departure country Volume, m3 Value, USD Average price of USD/m3 Exporters Declarations
China 7 198 434 714 026 887 99,19 900 51 931
Uzbekistan 987 544 73 534 162 74,46 363 8 136
Egypt 839 428 110 312 183 131,41 91 5 285
Japan 478 781 123 225 386 257,37 92 4 300
Iran, Islamic Republic of 355 221 43 831 431 123,39 163 1 084
Estonia 324 355 53 724 717 165,64 272 7 291
Azerbaijan 302 365 24 601 490 81,36 186 2 405
Germany 243 881 52 243 944 214,22 220 3 107
Finland 239 484 32 955 202 137,61 111 3 754
Korea, Republic of 216 908 36 497 757 168,26 96 1 601
Other 1 914 833 260 195 507 135,88 1 212 19 669

Top 20 exporters of lumber

Table 4. Top 20 exporters of lumber
Importer Volume, m3 Value, USD Average price of USD/m3 Exporters Declarations
LLC "TRADE OST" 238 276 19 054 151 79,97 3 2 352
JSC "Lesosibirsk LDK №1" 230 533 35 973 748 156,05 50 588
JSC "Sawmill 25" 223 201 32 608 240 146,09 9 74
JSC "LDK Igirma" 211 177 38 630 161 182,93 29 1 037
Ltd. "Voskhod" 175 496 29 393 685 167,49 91 2 874
TD RFP 170 646 13 922 381 81,59 10 569
OOO "MM-Efimovskiy" 166 355 29 535 521 177,55 157 1 498
Ltd. "TSLK" 152 761 20 880 908 136,69 26 405
JSC "IA VIPs" 151 913 24 272 865 159,78 3 1 099
TK OOO 135 172 9 959 060 73,68 1 1 024
Ltd. "Ustyanskiy LPK" 120 481 22 828 915 189,48 50 474
CJSC "Novoyeniseysk wood chemical COMPLEX" 113 116 16 035 589 141,76 32 206
OOO "Svir Metsä" 111 989 19 040 057 170,02 146 1 456
Ltd. "HAROVSKLESPROM" 104 095 18 380 615 176,58 68 1 391
Ltd. "YURTEK" 103 863 7 870 022 75,77 8 942
Ltd. "LOGO" 96 120 7 054 318 73,39 88 562
JSC "Onega LDK" 94 628 14 133 688 149,36 18 80
Ltd. "BBK" 92 620 2 411 114 26,03 15 272
LLC "Ugra Saw mills" 90 892 13 945 691 153,43 15 1 119
Ltd. "AZIYAVNESHTRANS" 89 798 6 746 836 75,13 4 423
Other 10 218 146 1 141 794 241 111,74 6 175 89 953


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